My Three Words: 2016 | Food Confidence

Nutrition Strategies

My Three Words: 2016

As an integrative dietitian and empowerment coach with 20+ years of experience, my main goal is to help women age well, feel confident in their bodies, and create the healthy lifestyle they desire and deserve.
danielle omar

My three words for 2016

Since 2011 I have practiced something called Three Words. Every January, instead of creating resolutions for my business, I decide on three words. These three words become a theme for my efforts in the year to come. I begin or end projects, make decisions, and plan my time around my words. They are my guiding principles. At the end of the year I look back and see how my words helped to shape the past year and whether they helped me accomplished what I set out to do. Before I reveal my three words for 2016, let’s take a look at my 3 words from 2015 and recap how I did.

My three words in 2015 were: Align ♦ Simplify ♦ Partner

How did I do? I’d say I did pretty good.

I lived “align” the best of my three words. I said no, thank you a lot in 2015. I took on only what I truly wanted to do, and said no to opportunities that were not aligned with my passions. It wasn’t always easy to do, but I gained more by saying no than I would have ever gotten saying yes. Looking back, I don’t have any regrets.

I also lived “partner” well. I met and partnered in one way or another with some truly wonderful brands and people this year. I loved creating recipes and writing for the folks over at Wild Blueberries and my friends at Cal-EZ. I partnered with my dear friend and colleague Heather K. Jones. I was inspired by the amazing Erin Stutland. I learned from and laughed with Regan Miller Jones. I collaborated with Andrea of Thick-to-Thin and Brianne of Cupcakes and Kale Chips. I also met or re-connected with other food bloggers and dietitians at conferences. I am especially grateful to have spent time with Jenny Melrose and Katie Morford.

I didn’t do that great in the “simplify” department. In fact, I probably complicated things a bit. Not so much in my decision-making, but definitely in how I spend my time. Running an online business takes a lot of moving parts and the more my business grows, the more moving parts involved. Simplifying my processes will be something I continue to work on in 2016.

So what’s in store for the coming year?

My three words for 2016 are:  Share ♦ Build ♦ Better

Share – In 2016 I want to share more with my community. I want to be of service and give more than ask. I want to share and teach what I know. I want to share other people’s great work. I want to share the successes of my amazing clients and my inspiring community.

Build – This word represents my focus on building my community, my business, my brand, and my relationships. It’s a great reminder word to stay on track.

Better – I will use this word to focus on what’s already working well and make it better. I tend to be a “serial creator.” In 2016 I will focus on what’s already in place and working well in my business and my life…and make it even better.

So that’s it. Once again, wish me luck.

And of course I would love to know your intentions for the year! What are your intentions for 2016? Please share!

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